Dream Big, Worry Less, Smile More, Inhale, Exhale.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Years Surprise

Hello my dear fellow followers... I have grave news. :(

For some reason, when I went to work on my post for today, an error occured. All of the sudden, it said that my blog was no longer available. All of my old Time is Passing posts are gone including the ones I had saved in drafts for later days. It was a sad surprise for me, but then the more I thought about it, I guess it's okay. Mainly because it has to be. All in all, though I'm still kinda bummed about it, it's NOT the end of the world. There are worse things in life and this is a minor problem. So, I shall be starting this new blog from now on. Kinda of ironic how this occured on the new year.

Today, I was going to post all of my December photo a day challenges but it is very time consuming and I already had set one up today this morning that got deleted and I don't think I have the time and patience to set it up again right now. I will hopefully do that tomorow though. In the meanwhile, I have a few photos to welcome the new year.


I had a list of 2013 tips for you guys too, but that post also got erased.
I will hopefully write one up again soon though. :)
In the meanwhile, make sure this year is full of lots of hugs, happiness,
and smiles.
How is your New Year start?


  1. Aww, that's terrible! It really is! =(
    But, you're right. It's not the end of the world. =)
    I remember a lot of you posts really well though, some of the pictures, the things you wrote about...and you'll write more inspiring posts; I know you will.

    Happy New Year!

    I actually woke up this morning and didn't remember it was the 1st until breakfast rolled around! =D We aren't big on new years celebration around here I guess. ;)
    The rest of my new year was snowy; all day yesterday and then the sun came out this morning!
    I really like that last picure; it's a good one.


  2. Oh no! That's awful, but I guess it couldn't have happened at a better time, first of the year. Hope you had a good new years otherwise.

    1. Thank you lovely, if you could, please follow this url now and spread the word. <3

  3. Awe!! I'm so sorry that happened, but my you are a brave one for handling it so well.
    I must admit.
    I would freak out and not be ok with it. But yeah, its not the end of the world, and I'm glad you're handling it so sweetly.
    Lots of love!

    1. Well, I'm probably freaking out a bit more on the inside. But thank you for the support! Please follow this new url, and get the word out<3

  4. oh gosh! I'm awf'lly sorry, Soph! :P You're my hero for being so ok with it. :D <3 I'd be dying. I'd prolly give up blogging forever.
    I love that top picture. :)
    love to ya!

    1. Yeah, I almost feel like it. However, if you could follow my new url and spread the word, it'll help me out a ton. :)
